Would you like to help us ensure the sustainability of the Miroir programme? There are many ways to do so. Of course, you can buy our beautifully embroidered items. But you can also support our solidarity organisation through donations or by sponsoring a child or a woman. And if you do have some spare time, how about volunteering?

Your donation helps Rive Océan Indien to ensure the management and sustainability of the Miroir programme:
– source material purchase,
– equipment improvement,
– lunch programme fees…
In France, a 66,6% tax reduction is applied on the amount of this donation: a 40 euros donation will only cost you 13,60 euros.

By taking charge of a sponsorship, you commit to a monthly payment of 20 euros to the association Rive Océan Indien for however long you decide. In France, a 66,6% tax reduction is applied on that amount, which will only cost you 6,80 euros per month.
Your individual solidarity donation can be used for :
– an individual sponsorship of a woman or a child, directly contributing to improve their living standards
– collective support, used to ensure the sustainability of the Miroir programme

The distribution of Miroir products is only possible thanks to volunteers. Do not hesitate to join our team of volunteers to make the Miroir products known around you, help us distribute them by organising private sales or by taking part in various events which we are involved in.

Buying a Miroir product is a guarantee to treat yourself or make a distinctive present which will not only make everyday life brighter but will also give work to the embroiderers and maintain their independence.
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